Seaductress on passage to Luperon in 2006.


Some of my earliest memories are of being on my father’s 26 foot wooden cabin cruiser, The Lorelei, in the Gulf of Mexico. My father was a member of the Bay St. Louis Yacht Club for many years whether or not he happened to own a boat at the time. In 1977 Dad bought us a Sunfish sailboat (an oversized surfboard with a sail) and we spent an entire summer racing it back and forth just off the beach, usually with a dog or two onboard. In the 1980’s Dad had partnerships in two small sailboats on which we would sometimes embark for an afternoon of drifting and running aground. Sadly, the Mississippi sailing fleet declined until all that was left was a Snark styrofoam sailboat which was decomissioned after a horse ate part of the sail.

In 1999, my then-wife Annie and I purchased a 1984 Hunter 25.5, which we named Possible Mallard. In the summer of 2003, with our beautiful child Laura, we moved up to a 35 foot S2 35C. In September 2005 we sold our house and moved aboard in preparation for an open-ended cruise (see cruising log) that lasted almost two years and covered over 10,000 miles.

Live While You Are Alive

StationR tagline since 1996